To illuminate a Single mother’s Identity by fostering holistic healing and supporting her to attain relevance for a satisfactory living.

The Foundational Story

Without any prior warning and preparation, Justine started on her single motherhood journey at the age of 27. While some people empathized with her to be taking such a difficult path at a tender age, others quietly subjected her to outright judgment and criticized her for allowing a family breakup. This challenging beginning marked a 25-year journey of parenting, during which Justine realized her identity had been overly distorted.

Our Core Beliefs

MONA-WOH stands for “Mother of Nations on the Way of Holiness”, is grounded in the Word, inspired by divine insights and a description of a single mother’s journey. This is ministry that reflects one’s commitment to personal growth and intentional response to a parenting call and a sure belief in fulfilling God’s purpose for life.

At mona-woh, for us to do our work and get results, we are driven by five (5) great values that guide our beliefs and actions: Authenticity, Love, Empathy. Accountability and Beauty.


Authenticity is a state of being true to self; being who you are meant to be, starting with you and then to others around you.

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Love (John 15:13)

Clearly, this is not the kind of love that the world understands but this is rather a unique one that our Lord not only advocates for but also he himself gave.

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Empathy (2Corinthians 1:4)

In the Mona-woh context, you can only help someone along the path that you have successfully travelled yourself.

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Accountability (Romans 1:20)

Accountability is an impeccable quality that colours all aspects of life. In Mona-woh, we believe that true healing revolves around individuals embrace self-reflection, responsibility, transparency and honesty, which are critical pillars of accountability.

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Beauty (Genesis 1: 27, 31)

Here, we are talking the kind of beauty that transcends physical attributes but rather focuses on the inner and natural traits that are nurtured and grown into a woman’s strong sense of identity and confidence.

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Our Strategic objectives


To equip single mothers with relevant and accurate information for a victorious living.


To create safe and conducive spaces for meaningful engagement, intentional sharing and purposeful growth.


To enhance the building of authentic relationships with self, families, community and national levels for sustainable results.


To advocate for child-nurturing and child support as essential family caregiving roles with significant impact on a global level.


To raise awareness of family-related challenges that relegate Single mothers as we drive them into policy formulation for global development.

Our Trusted Partners

#Let us Work Together
Please join us as we walk with single mothers on a healing journey and support them in their parenting roles to create safe spaces for all