MONA-WOH stands for “Mother of Nations on the Way of Holiness”, is grounded in the Word, inspired by divine insights and a description of a single mother’s journey. This is ministry that reflects one’s commitment to personal growth and intentional response to a parenting call and a sure belief in fulfilling God’s purpose for life.
At mona-woh, for us to do our work and get results, we are driven by five (5) great values that guide our beliefs and actions: Authenticity, Love, Empathy. Accountability and Beauty.
Authenticity is a state of being true to self; being who you are meant to be, starting with you and then to others around you. With whatever form of brokenness, we again are living in a fast-paced world that is being driven by social media, where one’s image is built on others’ opinion about you. Authenticity then becomes the breath of fresh air that allows a single mother embrace her flaws and weaknesses, as well as her strengths and accomplishments without feeling the need to put on another face to be someone she’s not.
Clearly, this is not the kind of love that the world understands but this is rather a unique one that our Lord not only advocates for but also he himself gave. It is not the ordinary kind but very achievable when you start seeing human beings as God sees them. With an intentionally look at life in general, there lies an immeasurable capacity of love at the heart of nurturing others and living sacrificially for the good that lies ahead of us.
In the Mona-woh context, you can only help someone along the path that you have successfully travelled yourself. With the kinds and magnitude of brokenness in the world today, it becomes quite easy for one to judge others that have failed the mark; yet with a lifetime of experiencing the imbalances that life throws at people, it becomes quite natural to understand someone when things go wrong. The ability and capacity to imagine someone else’s feelings and situation is such a pivotal point in the holistic healing that Mona-who stands for.
Accountability is an impeccable quality that colours all aspects of life. In Mona-woh, we believe that true healing revolves around individuals embrace self-reflection, responsibility, transparency and honesty, which are critical pillars of accountability. For every mother on this divine journey of parenting, according to God’s plan, has to get to a level of acknowledging her respective part played in the game of her brokenness. Her part could have been the decisions she made or the actions taken, as long as they enabled the situation to happen or thrive before she woke up! In the ordinary sense of living life and things happening, it is rather easier to take part in the blame-game than acknowledging ones contribution to living and staying in toxic relationships and unsafe spaces.
Here, we are talking the kind of beauty that transcends physical attributes but rather focuses on the inner and natural traits that are nurtured and grown into a woman’s strong sense of identity and confidence. This is a simple, basic and multifaceted beauty that encompasses cultural and social norms, carefully selected and customised to ones needs and desires so as to bring out the sense of pleasure, attractiveness and esteem that not only impresses you the giver but also magnetizes those you come across.
Mona-woh’s existence is a confirmation to the ingenuity of God’s Word that whatever He purposes in a person’s life will come to pass.